1. Newb question about Struts2 & JSP / Tomcat

    Date: 08/01/10     Keywords: mysql, database, sql, jsp, web, linux

    I'm involved in migrating an existing, functional JSP/Struts2 app from Windows to Linux.

    The former Windows environment was a Tomcat/Struts/Eclipse setup. The new environment is a standalone installation of Tomcat (which is already configured and serving several other applications).

    The app in question, "MyJSPWebsite", was copied to the Linux/Tomcat webapps folder and correct permissions assigned. The database (mysql) was also copied over with user permissions established.

    The site now opens, but none of the struts enabled content is functioning. For example, a drop-down list of data is not being populated. I'm not seeing any error SQL messages in catalina.out, and the username/password & query work fine from command line.

    Are there separate, core struts files that have to be installed outside of those already included in the webapps/MyJSPWebsite folder?

    Source: http://apache.livejournal.com/44268.html

  2. Newb question about Struts2 & JSP / Tomcat

    Date: 08/01/10     Keywords: mysql, database, sql, jsp, web, linux

    I'm involved in migrating an existing, functional JSP/Struts2 app from Windows to Linux.

    The former Windows environment was a Tomcat/Struts/Eclipse setup. The new environment is a standalone installation of Tomcat (which is already configured and serving several other applications).

    The app in question, "MyJSPWebsite", was copied to the Linux/Tomcat webapps folder and correct permissions assigned. The database (mysql) was also copied over with user permissions established.

    The site now opens, but none of the struts enabled content is functioning. For example, a drop-down list of data is not being populated. I'm not seeing any error SQL messages in catalina.out, and the username/password & query work fine from command line.

    Are there separate, core struts files that have to be installed outside of those already included in the webapps/MyJSPWebsite folder?

    Source: https://apache.livejournal.com/44268.html

  3. Apache logs analysis

    Date: 10/21/09     Keywords: php, java

    Hi all,
    I have a few servers that run suphp, so basically all incoming requests are logged in suphp_log. What I found amazing is that pretty much all malformed requests (like attempting to execute a javascript in improper places or scan for phpmyadmin scripts or something similar) are, pretty much, the only requests that are logged in access_log (except for WHM status requests).

    My question is - is there any automated tool that looks into access_log every now and then and comprises a report of such entries? I am no *nix admin, so I would appreciate any advise and leads.

    Thanks a lot!

    Source: http://apache.livejournal.com/43978.html

  4. Apache logs analysis

    Date: 10/21/09     Keywords: php, java

    Hi all,
    I have a few servers that run suphp, so basically all incoming requests are logged in suphp_log. What I found amazing is that pretty much all malformed requests (like attempting to execute a javascript in improper places or scan for phpmyadmin scripts or something similar) are, pretty much, the only requests that are logged in access_log (except for WHM status requests).

    My question is - is there any automated tool that looks into access_log every now and then and comprises a report of such entries? I am no *nix admin, so I would appreciate any advise and leads.

    Thanks a lot!

    Source: https://apache.livejournal.com/43978.html

  5. Redirect Match

    Date: 10/20/09     Keywords: html


    i would like to do this:

    RedirectMatch 301 (.*)\.html$ $1
    RedirectMatch 301 (.*)\.htm$ $1

    but not to files in sub folders.

    could some one please tell me how to do it?

    thank you

    Source: http://apache.livejournal.com/43634.html

  6. Redirect Match

    Date: 10/20/09     Keywords: html


    i would like to do this:

    RedirectMatch 301 (.*)\.html$ $1
    RedirectMatch 301 (.*)\.htm$ $1

    but not to files in sub folders.

    could some one please tell me how to do it?

    thank you

    Source: https://apache.livejournal.com/43634.html

  7. Is it possible in Apache to disable cookies?

    Date: 02/09/09     Keywords: java, web, apache

    We use Apache(2.0.47) as proxy for our java web applications running on Tomcat.
    Is it possible to setup Apache in order it removes/disables cookies?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/apache/43273.html

  8. .htaccess works in http, not in https

    Date: 10/07/08     Keywords: apache

    Hi everybody,
    first time poster.

    This has me a little perplexed.
    I don't have shell access to this machine so i can't check logs and such to see what is actually going on, but my .htaccess script works fine under http, but it fails to accept the same password with https accesss.

    my thought is that perhaps there is some form of authentication difference, or perhaps i need to rebuild my .htpasswd file again.

    however this is my .htaccess file

    AuthUserFile /full/os/path/to/file/.htpasswd
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Admin Folder"
    Require valid-user

    any ideas?

    ---- UPDATED 2008:10:08 ----
    got this from their tech today.

    > Subject: Re: Re: Https and basic authentication under apache.
    > haven't had any success as yet.
    > the problem appears to be that the username is being "lost" when
    > authenticating via the SSL server.. (the error_log shows a "blank
    > space" where the username should be....)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/apache/43049.html

  9. .htaccess works in http, not in https

    Date: 10/07/08     Keywords: apache

    Hi everybody,
    first time poster.

    This has me a little perplexed.
    I don't have shell access to this machine so i can't check logs and such to see what is actually going on, but my .htaccess script works fine under http, but it fails to accept the same password with https accesss.

    my thought is that perhaps there is some form of authentication difference, or perhaps i need to rebuild my .htpasswd file again.

    however this is my .htaccess file

    AuthUserFile /full/os/path/to/file/.htpasswd
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Admin Folder"
    Require valid-user

    any ideas?

    ---- UPDATED 2008:10:08 ----
    got this from their tech today.

    > Subject: Re: Re: Https and basic authentication under apache.
    > haven't had any success as yet.
    > the problem appears to be that the username is being "lost" when
    > authenticating via the SSL server.. (the error_log shows a "blank
    > space" where the username should be....)

    Source: http://apache.livejournal.com/43049.html

  10. .htaccess works in http, not in https

    Date: 10/07/08     Keywords: apache

    Hi everybody,
    first time poster.

    This has me a little perplexed.
    I don't have shell access to this machine so i can't check logs and such to see what is actually going on, but my .htaccess script works fine under http, but it fails to accept the same password with https accesss.

    my thought is that perhaps there is some form of authentication difference, or perhaps i need to rebuild my .htpasswd file again.

    however this is my .htaccess file

    AuthUserFile /full/os/path/to/file/.htpasswd
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Admin Folder"
    Require valid-user

    any ideas?

    ---- UPDATED 2008:10:08 ----
    got this from their tech today.

    > Subject: Re: Re: Https and basic authentication under apache.
    > haven't had any success as yet.
    > the problem appears to be that the username is being "lost" when
    > authenticating via the SSL server.. (the error_log shows a "blank
    > space" where the username should be....)

    Source: https://apache.livejournal.com/43049.html

  11. triggering mod_rewrite rule via auth failure?

    Date: 09/19/08     Keywords: google


    I'm looking for a way to construct a RewriteCond that returns true only when a URL is requested without proper HTTP authentication. (The rewrite rule will generate a 301 redirect forcing the request through a proxy, where proper HTTP auth will allow direct access). So far, The Googles have not been helpful; anyone here have an idea?

    Effectively, I want


    to return the object directly, but


    will return a 301 to:


    (The proxy will use the proper u/p to access the server, so we won't have a redirect loop...)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/apache/42827.html

  12. triggering mod_rewrite rule via auth failure?

    Date: 09/19/08     Keywords: google


    I'm looking for a way to construct a RewriteCond that returns true only when a URL is requested without proper HTTP authentication. (The rewrite rule will generate a 301 redirect forcing the request through a proxy, where proper HTTP auth will allow direct access). So far, The Googles have not been helpful; anyone here have an idea?

    Effectively, I want


    to return the object directly, but


    will return a 301 to:


    (The proxy will use the proper u/p to access the server, so we won't have a redirect loop...)

    Source: http://apache.livejournal.com/42827.html

  13. triggering mod_rewrite rule via auth failure?

    Date: 09/19/08     Keywords: google


    I'm looking for a way to construct a RewriteCond that returns true only when a URL is requested without proper HTTP authentication. (The rewrite rule will generate a 301 redirect forcing the request through a proxy, where proper HTTP auth will allow direct access). So far, The Googles have not been helpful; anyone here have an idea?

    Effectively, I want


    to return the object directly, but


    will return a 301 to:


    (The proxy will use the proper u/p to access the server, so we won't have a redirect loop...)

    Source: https://apache.livejournal.com/42827.html

  14. Reserved word in apache?

    Date: 06/25/08     Keywords: php, apache

    While I do have RewriteRules in my htaccess, I'm not employing them currently. And I do not see this as a PHP issue, so here I am. I have a fuseaction based LAMP site, and one of the links in particular isn't working right.

    Clicking Link:


    Returns URI as:

    Upon further inspection, I noticed that if I change the text from 'file_upload' to 'file_upload1', or any other variation, it works. Is this a reserved word in apache?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/apache/42353.html

  15. Reserved word in apache?

    Date: 06/25/08     Keywords: php, apache

    While I do have RewriteRules in my htaccess, I'm not employing them currently. And I do not see this as a PHP issue, so here I am. I have a fuseaction based LAMP site, and one of the links in particular isn't working right.

    Clicking Link:


    Returns URI as:

    Upon further inspection, I noticed that if I change the text from 'file_upload' to 'file_upload1', or any other variation, it works. Is this a reserved word in apache?

    Source: http://apache.livejournal.com/42353.html

  16. Confirming TRACE is off

    Date: 06/25/08     Keywords: no keywords

    Is there a non-telnet method of confirming whether TRACE is turned off? I've added TraceEnable off to my conf file but want to make sure everything is OK. Telnet is disabled on my server.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/apache/42093.html

  17. Confirming TRACE is off

    Date: 06/25/08     Keywords: no keywords

    Is there a non-telnet method of confirming whether TRACE is turned off? I've added TraceEnable off to my conf file but want to make sure everything is OK. Telnet is disabled on my server.

    Source: http://apache.livejournal.com/42093.html

  18. Confirming TRACE is off

    Date: 06/25/08     Keywords: no keywords

    Is there a non-telnet method of confirming whether TRACE is turned off? I've added TraceEnable off to my conf file but want to make sure everything is OK. Telnet is disabled on my server.

    Source: https://apache.livejournal.com/42093.html

  19. Configuring SVN and Apache

    Date: 06/24/08     Keywords: apache

    svn came installed on my RHEL5 box and I am working on configuring the system for use with Apache.

    I am using the following tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/apache_subversion_repository_p2

    Everything seemed OK (no errors) until the section "Setting up the initial repository layout:". When issuing the third command:

    svn import /tmp/subversion-layout/

    The system returned the following error:

    [user@myserver directory]# svn import -m /tmp/svnmessage /tmp/subversion-layout/
    svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/subversion'
    svn: PROPFIND of '/subversion': 405 Method Not Allowed (

    I did not restart apache before issing the svn import command - is that necessary? Also, I created all of the directories as root. Would that cause this problem?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/apache/41804.html

  20. Configuring SVN and Apache

    Date: 06/24/08     Keywords: apache

    svn came installed on my RHEL5 box and I am working on configuring the system for use with Apache.

    I am using the following tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/apache_subversion_repository_p2

    Everything seemed OK (no errors) until the section "Setting up the initial repository layout:". When issuing the third command:

    svn import /tmp/subversion-layout/

    The system returned the following error:

    [user@myserver directory]# svn import -m /tmp/svnmessage /tmp/subversion-layout/
    svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/subversion'
    svn: PROPFIND of '/subversion': 405 Method Not Allowed (

    I did not restart apache before issing the svn import command - is that necessary? Also, I created all of the directories as root. Would that cause this problem?

    Source: http://apache.livejournal.com/41804.html

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