Configuring SVN and Apache

    Date: 06/24/08 (Apache)    Keywords: apache

    svn came installed on my RHEL5 box and I am working on configuring the system for use with Apache.

    I am using the following tutorial:

    Everything seemed OK (no errors) until the section "Setting up the initial repository layout:". When issuing the third command:

    svn import /tmp/subversion-layout/

    The system returned the following error:

    [user@myserver directory]# svn import -m /tmp/svnmessage /tmp/subversion-layout/
    svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/subversion'
    svn: PROPFIND of '/subversion': 405 Method Not Allowed (

    I did not restart apache before issing the svn import command - is that necessary? Also, I created all of the directories as root. Would that cause this problem?


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