is hiring .NET developers!

    Date: 04/19/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: programming, software, asp, sql, web, yahoo, microsoft

    They are hiring developers like crazy! Email your resume to

    Job description: .Net Developer-ASP.Net and C# (1.1 and 2.0)

    Social Networking is one of the hottest sectors on the web in recent years. has emerged as the definitive leader in this space and is the 2nd highest trafficked site on the Internet. MySpace has 210 employees and is in rapid growth mode.

    The .NET Team at focuses on performance and scalability to a degree that most developers have never had a chance to experience.

    Required Skills/Experience:
    - 2+ years of solid C# experience
    - 2+ years of ASP.NET (and the .NET 1.1 Framework) experience
    - 2+ years of experience developing with SQL Server 2000 (including stored procedures)
    - Strong knowledge of .NET Remoting (including HTTP and TCP/IP) and UDP
    - a solid foundation in n-tier, Business Objects, Design Patterns, and general OOP
    - Strong knowledge (and wisdom) of IIS6 and it's internals
    - Experience on sites under heavy loads that require meticulous attention to coding practices as they relate to performance and scalability

    Preferred but not required Experience:
    - Microsoft Pattern and Practice Team's Enterprise Application Blocks
    - Agile Software Development (including Extreme Programming)
    - Microsoft Application Center Test
    - LLBLGen
    - NUnit
    - nANT
    - Visual Studio 2005 (including Team System)
    - ASP.NET 2.0, ADO.NET 2.0, AJAX (Atlas), and the .NET 2.0 Framework
    - SQL Server 2005 feature set, enhancements, and changes that effect developers
    - ReSharper & dotTrace (from JetBrains)


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