IIS Issues

    Date: 04/24/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: database, sql, web

    I asked about this issue a while back here, but I have found out some more information that may better help people diagnose or point me on the right path of this issue.

    We have a document management system that uses Windows 2000 (server?) and IIS 5. The same machine also has SQL Server 2000 installed on it which it uses. Basically this program has had issues for a while, primarily that after a while various functions of the web app will just stop working. No one knows what is causing these errors, but all we DO know is that this is "fixed" by restarting IIS. Typically this would happen like once in a while, but we had to restart this like 3 times in the past month. I don't have tons of access to this server, but I'm wondering if there's anything I can tell the tech guys to look at or perhaps monitor to help us better diagnose this issue. I have access to the source code, but obviously I can't "run" it on the live server. This server hosts this one web app, and this one database, so its not like there's multiple programs running that could be bogging it down.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/63389.html

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