Stupid DataGrid/DataView question

    Date: 05/12/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: database

    Ok... I know there is probably an easy answer to this but I can't figure it out. I have a program where I query a database, return a dataset, add columns to the dataset which are basically just formatted information, then display the information in the datagrid. If I had .Net 2.0 available I wouldn't be here asking this question (as I'd have the God-send DataGridView at my disposal,) but I can't figure out how I can do the following for the datagrid:

    A: Only show a few of the columns in the dataset.
    B: Specify the order of the columns in the dataset.

    I know I can hide columns easily in the Datagrid, but I need to move some of them too. I've looked all around and I can't find a real straightforward explaination as to how to do it, whether it be through using a datatable or a dataview.. I'm re-using a class that I made for formatting for a repeater control (god I wish those could be used on Windows Forms.) Does anyone have any ideas for this? Thanks.


« VB.Net used to add files to... || Format a string »

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