2.0 postbacks

    Date: 05/25/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: sql, microsoft

    Ok, so I have a reset button on my page and I am rerunning my sql queries and everything to get the original values back into the textboxes the user is allowed to modify. At first, I was calling my sql queries in the page_load event when they clicked reset. Even though I was resetting all the values of the textboxes, and these textboxes are created dynamically, it was keeping the modified user values. When I moved my sql calls to the reset button event handler, and put an ispostback check into my page_load, it then reverted back to the original values and worked the way i wanted it to.
    This is really weird. If you are reloading your page completely, why would it hang on to the modified values?
    Now I have a save button that I want to click and be able to get all the new values. But if I put it in my event handler, I will get the old values, just like when I click reset. Damn you microsoft....

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/68561.html

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