Classes and Include Files

    Date: 05/31/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp, sql, web

    I am new to ASP.NET... jumping on board with 2.0.
    I am from a VBScript ASP Background the last 6 years.

    Here is my problem, in the past when I needed to reuse some code I just popped her into an include file and kept using it over and over again.

    Now that I am in ASP.NET, I am attempting to teach myself how to use a Class file or determine the correct way of doing what I had done in the past, but so far I have yet to A) Make it work and/or B) Find documentation.

    I grabbed 2 separate books on ASP.NET and they only gloss over the uses of Class files. On the other hand they were immensely instrumental with getting me almost up to speed.

    For instance, I want to reuse a connection string and SQL Statement in various areas of a project. I want to declare this somehow 1 time and then call it in all of my Subs or Functions that need it. Sure ASP.NET 2.0 will allow me to do this with the GridView and the Web.Config file, but I am really looking to avoid this.

    I have TONS of classic ASP pages I need to, over time, fix up and port to ASP.NET and it would help if I have much of the work done, by eventually pointing them to this 1 file.

    Any links that someone can post would be a massive help.

    I am also looking for documentation on how to use Master Pages.

    Thank you again.


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