Description Attribute in Properties Window?

    Date: 09/14/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: no keywords

    Anyone been able to display their description attribute in the properties window?  I can get grouping (Catagories) to work.... but not descriptions. And this is really starting to piss me off, cuz everywhere I read says I just have to add the attribute and make sure it's Browseable..... *frustrated*

    (FYI I'm working in C#)


    Sample of current work:

    [Browsable(true)] /* supposedly, if Browsable is true you should be able to see the description in properties… I haven’t been able to get it to work yet. This, by default, is true. I just placed here for visual reference. */
    ("Descriptive info here")]

    public string DefaultButton

            return defaultButton;
            defaultButton = value;


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