Sending data across servers

    Date: 05/17/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp, security

    I have an encrypted token that I would like to send from one server to another.
    I create the encrypted token, and when I try to pass it to another server, it says access denied. I have checked all security settings imaginable, added the aspnet account, gave it full control, etc.

    I have this working for an asp project.
    The only catch I can think of is on my receiveToken page, I am not using server-side code. I am decrypting the token with vbscript on the .aspx page, and do not even have a code-behind page specified. However it is failing before it runs any of my script so I doubt this would be affecting it... I am not sure.

    Any suggestions on why I am not being granted access would be much appreciated.


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