helloooo and a question.

    Date: 06/21/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: database, asp

    I'm relatively new to asp.net, but am picking stuff up quickly, so am happy!.

    Well here's my question, and hopefully someone can help.
    What I want to do is:

    1.Upload an Excel file (xls).(Example inventory list) and then
    2.Save that in an Access database and
    3.Have that displayed on another page, in tables.
    So instead of the usual reading straight off database tables, I need to be able to read off an excel file, that an user will upload , save that to Access, and display content back to a new page.

    Any help would be appreciated!.

    thank ya:d

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/35506.html

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