This community is so dead!

    Date: 07/22/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: no keywords

    Share your most annoying code stories.
    Here's one from a few minutes ago!
    There used to be this programmer here who would write the worst code. Ever. Things like this:

    Dim dgDatagrid1 as DataGrid
    If not isTrue Then
    'do nothing <---(he would actually type that)
    x = y
    End If
    200 lines of else ifs instead of a case statement...

    So things like that. For some reason I just get so frustrated and mad when I see this code... so I was playing with the stapler and my coworker called me over to show me some more of the bad code - i had my finger under the stapler and when i saw the code i stapled my finger out of sheer shock and anger!
    Like, seriously. It's bleeding.


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