Changing Viewstate on sections of a DataGrid and Formatting Question

    Date: 08/09/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: css

    I am looking at formatting a DataGrid in the following format

    Sub Catagory
    Sub Catagory Details
    Sub Catagory 2
    Subcatagoty Details 2
    Sub Catagory 3
    Sub Catagory Details 3

    The the header is always displayed as are the sub catagory
    headers when we click sub catagory 2 for example the viewstate
    will change without refreshing the page and display the details
    for sub catagory 2.

    So in a DataGrid Can i change the Viewstate of individual parts of
    the datagrid?

    Is it just css thats used to format the Datagrid?


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