.Net queries

    Date: 08/25/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp, web

    Querystring Variables
    I have a component that i call in on several pages and
    in most the activityID is sent by the querystring and i
    pick it up using

    ActivityID = Cint(Int32.Parse(Request.Params("act")))

    but this returns as can't return this null i am assuming
    this is just the same as request.querystring() in normal
    asp I tries the IsNothing command and that didn't work
    so i need to grab the act value from the querysting and
    check if there is a value for it or not so i can call the
    approprate stored procedure what am i missing?

    Checkboxes from a datagrid, I have a datagrid with a check
    box field at the end of it so i can select was accomadation
    the user wants to mail to get details about this is basically
    to post the information back to the email builder form so
    that it can post all the infor the the email function. How do
    i pull back out and identify the checkbox values after posting
    them from a datagrid.

    I've been scouring the web and have found a few things that
    don't seem to work, its asp.net (vb.net) and i need to know
    what i am doing wrong, any thoughts?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/41344.html

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