Nulls and SQL

    Date: 10/10/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: browser, database, sql

    Okay this has been bothing me for some time now
    whenever i am working with the database (ms-sql 2k)
    i keep running into problems with nulls and empty
    values, I am passing an empty string into the db
    and its fine i pass it through my string cleaner
    function and it can't find the value its trying to
    enter also with number field unless theres a value
    in it the it crashes with the same error my sting
    cleanner causes ... what am i doing wrong

    ### String cleaner function ###
    Function Strip_SQL(ByVal strValue as String)
    Dim ModStrValue As String
    ' the values replacing the char values are actually ascii and are rended by the browser here
    Dim ModStrValue1 As String = replace(strValue,vbCrLf,"[br/]")
    Dim ModStrValue2 As String = replace(ModStrValue1, chr(34),""")
    Dim ModStrValue3 As String = replace(ModStrValue2, chr(9),"    ")
    Dim ModStrValue4 As String = replace(ModStrValue3, chr(13),"[BR/]")
    Dim ModStrValue5 As String = replace(ModStrValue4, chr(39),"'")
    Dim ModStrValue6 As String = replace(ModStrValue5, chr(40),"(")
    Dim ModStrValue7 As String = replace(ModStrValue6, chr(41),")")
    Dim ModStrValue8 As String = replace(ModStrValue7, chr(61),"=")
    Dim ModStrValue9 As String = replace(ModStrValue8, chr(64),"@")

    Return ModStrValue9

    End Function

    ### how the function is places on the request ###
    Dim editorial As String = Strip_SQL(Request.Form("editorial"))

    ### passing the variable to codebehind ###
    Dim EditAdminResort As New Devotion2Motion.AdminComp()
    EditAdminResort.EditResort(editorial )

    ### The function that passes the variable to the query ###
    Public Function EditResort(ByVal editorial As String)
    ' Create Instance of Connection and Command Object
    Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("strConn"))
    Dim myCommand As New SqlDataAdapter("sp_call_Resort_Update", myConnection)
    ' Mark the Command as a SPROC
    myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

    ' Add Parameters to SPROC
    Dim parametereditorial As New SqlParameter("@editorial ", SqlDbType.nVarChar, 4000)
    parametereditorial .Value = editorial
    myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(parametereditorial )

    ' Create and Fill the DataSet
    Dim myDataSet As New DataSet()

    ' Return the DataSet
    Return myDataSet

    End Function

    ### the error ###
    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure 'sp_call_Resort_Update' expects parameter '@editorial ', which was not supplied.


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