Visual Studio 2005 Panels in Design Mode

    Date: 11/14/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp, web

    If you saw my previous inane message you know I'm working on converting an ASP.Net webform from 1.1 to 2.0, and I'm having an "issue" with viewing my page in the VS design mode. The page uses ALOT of panels that are visible/invisible depending on what you select on the form. In 2003 the design mode shows all the panels fully opened, which made design rather easy, but now I can't see any of the panels, which cuts off about 75% of the web page. Is there a setting option or viewing thing that I need to enable to allow the panels to be viewed? If you want I can post a picture of what I'm talking about, but I'd like to think my explanation is fairly straightforward. Thanks in advance.

    BTW If I find a solution before one is posted here (ie I answer my own questions) I'll commit a self-imposed ban on myself here so that I don't keep putting up stupid posts on this board. :-p


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