Events and links

    Date: 02/03/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: web

    I'm working on this webform that perviously had two buttons that controlled the state of the form. Let's call them "Summary" and "Detail". When you click a button an event fires and the proper actions are taken. All was well and good.

    Now I need to change the interface so that instead of buttons it uses folder tabs as the interface. That is soemthing like this:

      Summary    Detail 

    [Summary goes here]

      Summary    Detail 

    [Detail goes here]

    I'd like clicking on the tabs to fire an event just like clicking on the buttons did. The problem is the tag doesn't have an OnClick event/property just a NavigationURL. Is there a way I can get the links to fire an event on the page (submit the form in a way it will be caught by .NET as an event)? I can't just use a URL as I need to save the values from the form (which is rather complicated and not easily compressed into a url).


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