Retrieving values from DataGridView

    Date: 11/21/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: database, web

    I'm working on grabbing data from a database and putting it into a DataGridView. My program starts off with 1 DGV, and I want the program to then go to another page that has 3 DGVs on it, all referencing the "id" field from the previous form. Thing is I don't know how I can grab the id value from the DGV. I cant' find a .SelectedValue or .Value of the selected cell.. also this isnt' for a web form, so I don't think I can just do the hyperlink column with a query string on the end of it/passed value. Does anyone know of a way to grab the value of a selected cell? thanks.

    EDIT: Nevermind.. I figured it out. Its DataGridView.CurrentCell.Value


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