
    Date: 03/01/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: database, asp, web

    Hi guys, I am new to asp, and frankly, it scares the hell out of me. I manage to muddle through for the most part, but I admit, I am floored by the following.

    I need a form.

    Requirements of said form, are as follows:
    - Capture information (name, address, phone, email - the usual) where I can access it (database, email, whatever)
    - Redirect once information has been provided to a download link where they can access a paper

    That's it. That's all. And being a bit clueless, I cannot figure this out.

    ANY advice, directions to help/how-to, advice et al would be receieved with outrageous gratitude. Hearty scorning will also be weathered gracefully since I thoroughly deserve it.

    The website in question is

    Thanks in desperate anticipation!


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