страшно было, смешно было, а вот красиво!

    Date: 09/05/06 (Code WTF)    Keywords: no keywords

                                                        a,                  b=
                                                      80                    *25
                                                     ,c=               0;   void
                                                    main              (){    char
                                                    p[               2003   ];FILE
                               *F=fopen              (              __FILE__,"rb")
                              ;      fread      (p   ,1,             b,F);;fclose
                                          (F);    typedef             CHAR_INFO
                                           ci;ci*q=new/**/ci           [b];while
                                               (1){for(c=0;c<333       ;){float
                            /*asx*/                  x,d=clock()/100&1;
                               q[g].Char          .AsciiChar=54;d=fmod(
                         n,        0.2)>=    0.1?d:!d;q[g].Attributes=d
                                        GetStdHandle(   -11 ), q,m,o ,&sr
                                                     )      ;   }      }


    MANDARINE 2003


    ~ 85 Dollars ~ 

    Music & Demopajing by med
    Gfx by sacri/Move

    Recommended configuration : LOL

    Special thanks to Guardian/Osmium for compiling the thing, and Cassios for the
    $$$ & the car.
    Thx for memon/moppi for his help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/code_wtf/50772.html

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