
    Date: 10/11/06 (Code WTF)    Keywords: no keywords

    * Sorry folks, C++ has come to town. *Some* C++ compilers/linkers require
    * the program's main() to be in a C++ file. I've added a losing C++ main()
    * in This guy will call mozilla_main(). Look, I'm really
    * sorry about this. I don't know what to say. C++ loses, Cfront loses,
    * we are now steeped in all of their lossage. We will descend into the
    * burning pit of punctuation used for obscure language features, our
    * links will go asunder, when we seek out our proper inheritance, from
    * the mother *and* father from which we were begat, we shall be awash,
    * for we will be without identity. We shall try to be pure, but shall find
    * ourselves unable to instanciate. ... shall be statically bound unto
    * him. Oh, woe unto us... djw
    (int argc, char** argv)


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