Password encryption

    Date: 08/30/07 (Code WTF)    Keywords: no keywords

    'Encryption Public Function Scramble(Text As String) As String Dim i As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim Temp As String Temp = "" For i = 1 To Len(Text) c = Asc(Mid(Text, i, 1)) c = c + 10 'If the character was near the end of the ASCII character set then 'adding 10 to the ASCII value can tip it over 255 which is the last 'character - in this case, find the difference and that's the new 'character (ie. at the start of the character set If c > 255 Then c = c - 255 Temp = Temp & Chr(c) Next i Scramble = Temp End Function
    Code syntax highlighting by VIM captured with ScreenShot script


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