вот вам еще монстр

    Date: 05/14/05 (Code WTF)    Keywords: no keywords

    select p.person_id_i, coalesce((select s.new_anketa_state from stack s
    where s.person_id_i=p.person_id_i),-1) as "in_stack", CASE WHEN
    to_char(p.per_regdate,'YYYY')=to_char(date 'now','YYYY') THEN
    to_char(p.per_regdate,'DD Mon') ELSE to_char(p.per_regdate,'DD Mon
    YYYY')END as per_regdate, p.per_anketa_state, p.per_screenname,
    p.per_email_m, p.per_sex, p.per_seeking, cit.city_name_ru,
    reg.region_name_ru, co.co_name_ru, p.per_zip_i, r.rel_name_ru,
    lan.lan_name_ru, tm.tm_name_ru, to_char(datetime(p.per_birthdate), 'dd
    month yyyy') as "per_birthdate", occu.occu_name_ru, ind.ind_name_ru,
    inc.income_name_ru, relig.relig_name_ru, hei.height_name_ru,
    wei.weight_name_ru, hc.hc_name_ru, ec.ec_name_ru, bt.bt_name_ru,
    act.act_name_ru, sm.smoke_name_ru, dr.drink_name_ru,
    ms.m_stat_name_ru, ha.have_ch_name_ru, cu.cus_name_ru, case when
    mp.want_ch_id_i=1 then 'Yes' when mp.want_ch_id_i=0 then 'No' else
    'not filled yet' end as "want_ch_name", case when p.per_relocate=1
    then 'Yes' when p.per_relocate=0 then 'No' else 'not filled yet' end
    as "per_relocate_name", et.etn_name_ru, ed.edu_name_ru,
    po.pol_sen_name_ru, ap.ap_s_name_ru, ins.is_name_ru,
    bm.bit_per_traits, bm.bit_per_act, bm.bit_fav_cuisines,
    bm.bit_like_music, bm.bit_like_read, bm.bit_languages, bm.bit_go_to,
    bm.bit_phys_act, bm.cat , bm.dog , bm.fish , bm.bird , bm.rodent ,
    bm.exotic , itm.txt1, case when itm.txt1_state=1 then 'approoved' when
    itm.txt1_state = 3 then 'banned' when itm.txt1_state = 0 then
    'waiting' when itm.txt1 is null then 'not filled yet' else 'unchecked'
    end as "txt1_stat", itm.txt2, case when itm.txt2_state=1 then
    'approoved' when itm.txt2_state = 3 then 'banned' when itm.txt2_state
    = 0 then 'waiting' when itm.txt2 is null then 'not filled yet' else
    'unchecked' end as "txt2_stat", itm.txt3, case when itm.txt3_state=1
    then 'approoved' when itm.txt3_state = 3 then 'banned' when
    itm.txt3_state = 0 then 'waiting' when itm.txt3 is null then 'not
    filled yet' else 'unchecked' end as "txt3_stat", itm.txt4, case when
    itm.txt4_state=1 then 'approoved' when itm.txt4_state = 3 then
    'banned' when itm.txt4_state = 0 then 'waiting' when itm.txt4 is null
    then 'not filled yet' else 'unchecked' end as "txt4_stat", itm.txt5,
    case when itm.txt5_state=1 then 'approoved' when itm.txt5_state = 3
    then 'banned' when itm.txt5_state = 0 then 'waiting' when itm.txt5 is
    null then 'not filled yet' else 'unchecked' end as "txt5_stat",
    itm.foto1, itm.foto1_state, itm.foto1_width, itm.foto1_height,
    itm.foto2, itm.foto2_state, itm.foto2_width, itm.foto2_height,
    itm.foto3, itm.foto3_state, itm.foto3_width, itm.foto3_height,
    itm.foto4, itm.foto4_state, itm.foto4_width, itm.foto4_height,
    itm.sound, itm.sound_file from person p LEFT JOIN country co ON
    (co.co_id_i=p.co_id_i) LEFT JOIN region reg ON
    (reg.region_id_i=p.region_id_i) LEFT JOIN city cit ON
    (cit.city_id_i=p.city_id_i) LEFT JOIN time_zones tm ON
    (tm.tm_id_i=p.tm_id_i) LEFT JOIN bit_mask bm ON
    (bm.person_id_i=p.person_id_i) LEFT JOIN spoken_languages lan ON
    (lan.lan_id_i=p.lan_id_i) LEFT JOIN m_stat ms ON
    (ms.m_stat_id_i=p.m_stat_id_i) LEFT JOIN relationship r ON
    (r.rel_id_i=p.rel_id_i), my_profile mp LEFT JOIN education ed ON
    (ed.edu_id_i=mp.edu_id_i) LEFT JOIN etnicity et ON
    (et.etn_id_i=mp.etn_id_i) LEFT JOIN custody cu ON
    (cu.cus_id_i=mp.cus_id_i) LEFT JOIN have_children ha ON
    (ha.have_ch_id_i=mp.have_ch_id_i) LEFT JOIN drink dr ON
    (dr.drink_id_i=mp.drink_id_i) LEFT JOIN smoke sm ON
    (sm.smoke_id_i=mp.smoke_id_i) LEFT JOIN occupation occu ON
    (occu.occu_id_i=mp.occu_id_i) LEFT JOIN industry ind ON
    (ind.ind_id_i=mp.ind_id_i) LEFT JOIN income inc ON
    (inc.income_id_i=mp.income_id_i) LEFT JOIN height hei ON
    (hei.height_id_i=mp.height_id_i) LEFT JOIN weight wei ON
    (wei.weight_id_i=mp.weight_id_i) LEFT JOIN hair_color hc ON
    (hc.hc_id_i=mp.hc_id_i) LEFT JOIN eye_color ec ON
    (ec.ec_id_i=mp.ec_id_i) LEFT JOIN body_type bt ON
    (bt.bt_id_i=mp.bt_id_i) LEFT JOIN activity act ON
    (act.act_id_i=mp.act_id_i) LEFT JOIN religion relig ON
    (relig.relig_id_i=mp.relig_id_i), my_personality me LEFT JOIN
    politic_sense po ON (po.pol_sen_id_i=me.pol_sen_id_i) LEFT JOIN
    apearance_sense ap ON (ap.ap_s_id_i=me.ap_s_id_i) LEFT JOIN
    intelegence_sense ins ON (ins.is_id_i=me.is_id_i), items itm where
    itm.person_id_i = '1073742786' and mp.person_id_i='1073742786' and
    p.person_id_i='1073742786' and me.person_id_i='1073742786'

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/5371.html

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