Date: 05/26/05
Keywords: no keywords
// Few lines of code goes before
return S_OK;
// Format conversation is not yet supported.
// Sorry.
// Will be implemented later for sure.
// I swear.
return E_NOTIMPL;
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/7421.html
Date: 05/25/05
Keywords: no keywords
$Fecha = $Fecha; $Header = $Header; $Body = $Body;
$Fecha = stripslashes($Fecha); $Header = stripslashes($Header); $Body = stripslashes($Body);
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/6903.html
Date: 05/25/05
Keywords: no keywords
echo $err; die();
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/6509.html
Date: 05/23/05
Keywords: no keywords
#define HANDLE_CATCH_GPF if ( 0 != 0 )
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/6246.html
Date: 05/20/05
Keywords: no keywords
char *strrchr( const char *string, int c );
functions returns a pointer to the last occurrence of c in string, or NULL if c is not found.
Кто-нибудь мне объяснит зачем char надо передавать как int?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/5970.html
Date: 05/16/05
Keywords: no keywords
In that community are published part of programs which have made your laugh or have caused perplexities, what is it and for what it.
Мой вариант: Funny or perplexity causing parts of programs are published in this community.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/5681.html
C obfuscated programming contest
Date: 05/15/05
Keywords: no keywords
I think it is very relevant, no?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/5402.html
вот вам еще монстр
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
select p.person_id_i, coalesce((select s.new_anketa_state from stack s where s.person_id_i=p.person_id_i),-1) as "in_stack", CASE WHEN to_char(p.per_regdate,'YYYY')=to_char(date 'now','YYYY') THEN to_char(p.per_regdate,'DD Mon') ELSE to_char(p.per_regdate,'DD Mon YYYY')END as per_regdate, p.per_anketa_state, p.per_screenname, p.per_email_m, p.per_sex, p.per_seeking, cit.city_name_ru, reg.region_name_ru, co.co_name_ru, p.per_zip_i, r.rel_name_ru, lan.lan_name_ru, tm.tm_name_ru, to_char(datetime(p.per_birthdate), 'dd month yyyy') as "per_birthdate", occu.occu_name_ru, ind.ind_name_ru, inc.income_name_ru, relig.relig_name_ru, hei.height_name_ru, wei.weight_name_ru, hc.hc_name_ru, ec.ec_name_ru, bt.bt_name_ru, act.act_name_ru, sm.smoke_name_ru, dr.drink_name_ru, ms.m_stat_name_ru, ha.have_ch_name_ru, cu.cus_name_ru, case when mp.want_ch_id_i=1 then 'Yes' when mp.want_ch_id_i=0 then 'No' else 'not filled yet' end as "want_ch_name", case when p.per_relocate=1 then 'Yes' when p.per_relocate=0 then 'No' else 'not filled yet' end as "per_relocate_name", et.etn_name_ru, ed.edu_name_ru, po.pol_sen_name_ru, ap.ap_s_name_ru, ins.is_name_ru, bm.bit_per_traits, bm.bit_per_act, bm.bit_fav_cuisines, bm.bit_like_music, bm.bit_like_read, bm.bit_languages, bm.bit_go_to, bm.bit_phys_act, bm.cat , bm.dog , bm.fish , bm.bird , bm.rodent , bm.exotic , itm.txt1, case when itm.txt1_state=1 then 'approoved' when itm.txt1_state = 3 then 'banned' when itm.txt1_state = 0 then 'waiting' when itm.txt1 is null then 'not filled yet' else 'unchecked' end as "txt1_stat", itm.txt2, case when itm.txt2_state=1 then 'approoved' when itm.txt2_state = 3 then 'banned' when itm.txt2_state = 0 then 'waiting' when itm.txt2 is null then 'not filled yet' else 'unchecked' end as "txt2_stat", itm.txt3, case when itm.txt3_state=1 then 'approoved' when itm.txt3_state = 3 then 'banned' when itm.txt3_state = 0 then 'waiting' when itm.txt3 is null then 'not filled yet' else 'unchecked' end as "txt3_stat", itm.txt4, case when itm.txt4_state=1 then 'approoved' when itm.txt4_state = 3 then 'banned' when itm.txt4_state = 0 then 'waiting' when itm.txt4 is null then 'not filled yet' else 'unchecked' end as "txt4_stat", itm.txt5, case when itm.txt5_state=1 then 'approoved' when itm.txt5_state = 3 then 'banned' when itm.txt5_state = 0 then 'waiting' when itm.txt5 is null then 'not filled yet' else 'unchecked' end as "txt5_stat", itm.foto1, itm.foto1_state, itm.foto1_width, itm.foto1_height, itm.foto2, itm.foto2_state, itm.foto2_width, itm.foto2_height, itm.foto3, itm.foto3_state, itm.foto3_width, itm.foto3_height, itm.foto4, itm.foto4_state, itm.foto4_width, itm.foto4_height, itm.sound, itm.sound_file from person p LEFT JOIN country co ON (co.co_id_i=p.co_id_i) LEFT JOIN region reg ON (reg.region_id_i=p.region_id_i) LEFT JOIN city cit ON (cit.city_id_i=p.city_id_i) LEFT JOIN time_zones tm ON (tm.tm_id_i=p.tm_id_i) LEFT JOIN bit_mask bm ON (bm.person_id_i=p.person_id_i) LEFT JOIN spoken_languages lan ON (lan.lan_id_i=p.lan_id_i) LEFT JOIN m_stat ms ON (ms.m_stat_id_i=p.m_stat_id_i) LEFT JOIN relationship r ON (r.rel_id_i=p.rel_id_i), my_profile mp LEFT JOIN education ed ON (ed.edu_id_i=mp.edu_id_i) LEFT JOIN etnicity et ON (et.etn_id_i=mp.etn_id_i) LEFT JOIN custody cu ON (cu.cus_id_i=mp.cus_id_i) LEFT JOIN have_children ha ON (ha.have_ch_id_i=mp.have_ch_id_i) LEFT JOIN drink dr ON (dr.drink_id_i=mp.drink_id_i) LEFT JOIN smoke sm ON (sm.smoke_id_i=mp.smoke_id_i) LEFT JOIN occupation occu ON (occu.occu_id_i=mp.occu_id_i) LEFT JOIN industry ind ON (ind.ind_id_i=mp.ind_id_i) LEFT JOIN income inc ON (inc.income_id_i=mp.income_id_i) LEFT JOIN height hei ON (hei.height_id_i=mp.height_id_i) LEFT JOIN weight wei ON (wei.weight_id_i=mp.weight_id_i) LEFT JOIN hair_color hc ON (hc.hc_id_i=mp.hc_id_i) LEFT JOIN eye_color ec ON (ec.ec_id_i=mp.ec_id_i) LEFT JOIN body_type bt ON (bt.bt_id_i=mp.bt_id_i) LEFT JOIN activity act ON (act.act_id_i=mp.act_id_i) LEFT JOIN religion relig ON (relig.relig_id_i=mp.relig_id_i), my_personality me LEFT JOIN politic_sense po ON (po.pol_sen_id_i=me.pol_sen_id_i) LEFT JOIN apearance_sense ap ON (ap.ap_s_id_i=me.ap_s_id_i) LEFT JOIN intelegence_sense ins ON (ins.is_id_i=me.is_id_i), items itm where itm.person_id_i = '1073742786' and mp.person_id_i='1073742786' and p.person_id_i='1073742786' and me.person_id_i='1073742786'
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/5371.html
[php] функция редиректа
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
Вот вам монстр: моя функция редиректа. Объяснять код не буду.
class HTTP {
* в режиме отладки функция не делает редирект, а просто выводит ссылку
function redirect($url, $debug_constant_name = 'DEBUG_MODE') {
$input_url = $url;
// если путь не абсолютный
if (!preg_match("~^(https?|ftp|mailto|ed2k)://~", $url)) {
$server = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ||
in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], array(80, 433))) {
$port = '';
} else {
$port = ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
$protocol = 'http';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')
$protocol .= 's';
// генерируем путь
if ($url{0} != '/') {
$path = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if (strlen($path) <= 1) $path = '/';
else $path .= '/';
$url = $path.$url;
$url = $protocol.'://'.$server.$port.$url;
// чистим путь - убираем всякие './' , '../', '//'
$url_parts = parse_url($url);
$paths = array_reverse(explode("/", $url_parts['path']));
$delete_next = 0;
foreach ($paths as $k=>$v) {
if (empty($v) || $v == '.') unset($paths[$k]);
elseif ($v == '..') {
} elseif ($delete_next) {
$path = '/'.implode('/', array_reverse($paths));
$url = $url_parts['scheme'].'://'.$url_parts['host'];
if (isset($url_parts['port'])) $url .= ':'.$url_parts['port'];
$url .= $path;
if (isset($url_parts['query'])) $url .= '?'.$url_parts['query'];
// если была включена буферизация - очищаем буфер
if (!defined($debug_constant_name)) {
for ($i = 0, $level = ob_get_level(); $i < $level; $i++) ob_end_clean();
$headers = array();
$mode = php_sapi_name();
// !!! здесь могут быть ошибки в "нестандартных" установках ПХП
if (strpos($mode, 'cgi')) {
$headers[] = 'Status: 307 Temporary redirect';
} else {
$headers[] = 'HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary redirect';
$headers[] = "Location: ".$url;
if (!defined($debug_constant_name)) {
foreach($headers as $header)
} else {
// debug mode
echo "Input URL: ".htmlspecialchars($input_url).' ';
echo "" ; print_r($headers); echo "";
echo '.$url.'">'.htmlspecialchars($url).' ';
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/5041.html
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: html
Нашел в одном из фреймворков на ПХП :
$hui = new Hui( $gEnv['root']['db'], TRUE ); HUI - это у автора Html User Interface :-)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/4295.html
Из файлов примеров модуля PHP mnogosearch // From the example files in mnogosearch PHP module
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: php
$str=ereg_replace('\$DT', $title, $str); $str=ereg_replace('\$DR', "$rating", $str); $str=ereg_replace('\$DX', $text, $str); $str=ereg_replace('\$DE', ($desc != '')?$desc:$text, $str); $str=ereg_replace('\$DC', $contype, $str); $str=ereg_replace('\$DM', $lastmod, $str); $str=ereg_replace('\$DS', "$docsize", $str); $str=ereg_replace('\$DN', "$ndoc", $str);
Для незнающих PHP поясню: ereg_replace - функция для работы с POSIX regexp, поэтому $ в строке заэкранирован. Т.е., фактически, в данном случае нужна другая функция - str_replace, которая заменяет одну строку на другу. Впрочем, PHP позволяет задать массив замен и вопрользоваться функцией strtr
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/3889.html
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
чувак не нашёл функцию в документации функцию substr: а сейчас на английском (не бейте за язык).
guy've not found substr function in manual:
function copystr($str, $pos, $len)
$tmp = "";
for ($i = $pos; $i < $pos+$len; $i++)
$tmp .= $str[$i];
return $tmp;
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/3826.html
О языках... // About the languages...
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
Русский / Russian
Гхм.... Очень прошу прощения за оффтопик.... Но в этом сообществе участвуют не только русскоязычные пользователи (скажем - lj://johnreen/26112). И в коммьюнити инфо прописано на нескольких языках... С одной стороны это хорошо - больше народу - веселее жить, но рождается проблема с языками. Мнения участников и, особенно, разумеется, создателей сообщества? Может быть, скажем, имеет смысл указывать рекомендуемый язык обсуждения для записей в заголовке?..
English / Английский
Ahem... I'm very sorry for offtopic (and my worse English =[)... But there are not only Russian-speaking users participating in this community (for example - lj://johnreen/26112). And community info is written in two languages... On the one hand this is good - the more people are there - the more fun it is, but on the other hand there's a language barrier problem. Members' and, especially, the community creators' opinion on this? For example, maybe it's reasonable to specify recommended comments language in the title?..
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/3527.html
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: mysql, sql
[ru] писал выборку из БД по полу .. на автомате написал.... mysql_sex(); // и тут призадумался над аргументами.... [uk] писав виборку з БД по статті... на автоматі написав.... mysql_sex(); // і тут призадумався над аргументами.... [en] have wrote a select query, selecting a sex of user... but i have write not mysql_query, i have type mysql_sex(); // how do you think what arguments should be?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/2990.html
C++ :)
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
WCHAR* wcharstr=new WCHAR(64); char* charstr=new char(64); wcharstr=(WCHAR*)fieldValue; Wide2Ansi(charstr,wcharstr,64);
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/2738.html
Еще из кода, который я разбирал на работе:
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
float f; float* ptr;
if (memcmp(&f,ptr,sizeof(float)) { ... }
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/2282.html
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
if(num == 40702)
num = num;
Как мне объяснил автор кода - для отладки :)
А так же из творчества студентов (заставило вспомнить анекдот про два стакана)
{фрагмент поиска максимального элемента}
if max < d[i] then
max := d[i]
max := max;
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/1928.html
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
Seen at work:
P.S. To whomever had the idea for this community: <3
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/1476.html
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/1248.html
Date: 05/14/05
Keywords: no keywords
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/624.html