textbooks for sale for cheap

    Date: 05/11/05 (College Textbook)    Keywords: no keywords

    i just need to get rid of all the crap i have so.. textbooks! i go to an art college so most of my books deal with that. alot of them are from a fiction writing course too. so please look!!! either no shipping costs or a low price :) they are all in good condition, minor wear unless noted otherwise. most of these have been used before me.


    The Animation Book (New Digital Edition) - Kit Laybourne $20

    Public Speaking for College and Career 6th Edition (no CD) – Gregory $7

    Edisto – Padgett Powell $6

    Writing Fiction 6th Edition – Janet Burroway $25

    The Short Stories - Ernest Hemingway $10

    The Prentice Hall Reader 7th Edition  (instructor’s edition) – George Miller  $15

    The Story and Its Writer 6th Edition – Ann Charters $30

    The Pen and Ink Book – Jos A. Smith $7

    Gardner’s Art Through the Ages 11th Edition Vol. 2 (missing a few pages)  $30


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/collegetextbook/19056.html

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