textbooks-mostly nursing
Date: 07/01/05
(College Textbook) Keywords: ebay
I just thought I'd try out this community before I go through the touble of listing these on half.com or ebay before school starts. Email me with questions or inquiries at sashann@gmail.com
Thanks :)
I have the following books from previous classes I've taken:
*Principles of Anatomy and Physiology Learning Guide (Tortora and Grabowski)
ISBN: 0-471-43447-7
*Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology by Connie Allen and Valerie Harper
ISBN: 0-471-39464-5
*Study Guide to Accompany "Focus on Nursing Pharmacology" by Amy Karch
ISBN: 0-7817-3658-7
*Microbiological Applications Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology 5th Edition by Benson-short version
*Atlas of the Human Skeleton 3rd Edition by Gerard J. Tortora
ISBN: 0-471-22377-8
*A Photographic Atlas of the Human Body (with selected Cat, Sheep, and Cow Dissections) by Gerard J. Tortora
ISBN: 0-471-42064-6
*Organic Chemistry Crash Course-Shaum's Outlines
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/collegetextbook/23052.html