bio book

    Date: 07/31/05 (College Textbook)    Keywords: no keywords

    When posting your sale, please include the following:

    1. Name of textbook-The Nature of Life-Readings in Biology
    2. Student or Instructor's book? student
    3. Author(s) forward by Lynn Margulis and Dorian Sagan (its a compilation of bio essays)
    4. Publisher Great Books Foundation
    5. Edition n/a
    6. ISBN # 1-880323-86-9
    7. Condition of book new
    8. Any supplimental materials (i.e., study guides, code cards, MyLab, CDs)n/a
    9. Price I bought it for 80 but will sell it for 35 (price is negotiable)
    10. Links to your auctions n/a

    You may include a picture, but it isn't necessary. If you do, please use the lj-cut. Information on how to use this feature is located here.

    any questions or offers please im me at DoReMiManda or email me at


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