...For Nurses

    Date: 02/26/05 (College Textbook)    Keywords: ebay

    Yes, that feedback does mean I'm brand new to eBay. I have a friend helping me through all the particulars. And I'm trying to get verified...really I am.

    But they want the account number for a college loan from four years back and my two year old trashed through my big shoe box of important papers yesterday and...

    Suffice to say I've had a bad day...

    Here's the info.

    Review Guide for Rn Pre-Entrance Exam Second Edition

    Author: Mary E. McDonald

    Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Pub

    ISBN: 0763724866

    Condition: New, no highlights, no rips, slight bend on front cover

    Click Here

    I have more to put up as soon as I get organized...You may start holding your breath, now....

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/collegetextbook/13796.html

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