
    Date: 12/29/04 (College Textbook)    Keywords: no keywords

    Please take a look and if you see anything you like comment here or e-mail me: I accpt PayPal, Money Order, or well conceiled cash at your own risk. All prices are in USD and do not include S&H- that will be factored in once you have contacted me. Pictures of items are given by request. Thanks!

    1. The American People
    2. Student Book
    3. Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey
    4. Longman Publishers
    5. 5th Edition
    6. ISBN #0-321-07626-5
    7. Used but in great condition.
    PRICE: $20.00

    1. Paragraphs & Essays
    2. Student Book
    3. Lee Brandon
    4. Houghton Mifflin Publishers
    5. 8th Edition
    6. ISBN #0-618-04265-2
    7. Used but in great condition.
    PRICE: $20.00

    1. The Art of Public Speaking
    2. Student Book
    3. Stephen E. Lucas
    4. McGraw Hill Publishers
    5. 7th Edition
    6. ISBN #0-07-231569-5
    7. Used but in great condition.
    8. Comes with a never-before-used Student CD-ROM with Guidebook and Topic Finder Book
    PRICE: $20.00



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