Student Launches Free Book Swap Website.

    Date: 12/20/04 (College Textbook)    Keywords: web

    Hello all, Our semesters are all coming to an end and the college book stores are gearing up for us to come in by the thousands and practically give our used books away.

    I tried to beat the system using some of the larger on-line sites but with shipping and website fees I found myself right back in the bookstore. This semester I decided to take a chance and be different.

    I created a website where we can all do this for free. The concept is simple but I think it will work well. Both the books laying around on my floor from 2 classes ago and the ones I'm currently using can be posted now because I made a field to indicate when the book is available. If enough students are using the site on the same campus you can pick up a book on my site from someone getting out of a class you plan to take next.

    This is our site and I'm really looking for your feedback. Please check it out, post a book, and let me know what you think. Thanks - Alan C.


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