1. How to save Google translator sound to an mp3 file?

    Date: 10/17/18     Keywords: google

    You can save the Google Translator sound to an mp3 file using the Google Chrome developer tools.

    Description of actions and the process of saving on the YouTube channel:


    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1032481.html

  2. Non-standard way to restore the sound of Viber notifications!

    Date: 10/17/18     Keywords: no keywords

    One of the settings of the Clean Master application can block Viber sound on smartphones. Description of the process of restoring the sound of Viber notifications on the YouTube channel:


    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1032306.html

  3. YouTube channel - PC&Smartphone Users Stuff

    Date: 10/17/18     Keywords: no keywords

    YouTube channel about all sorts of tricks for users of computers and smartphones. The channel will be updated and expanded. All videos are published in English and Russian.


    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1032150.html

  4. From Android To iPhone: Upcoming Challenges, Trends, And Research in Mobile App Development

    Date: 09/20/18     Keywords: software, technology, java, security, web, google


    With mobile phone users and devices reaching to billions, the businesses are focusing on building robust mobile apps with great UX and UI. According to research, nearly 179 billion mobile apps are downloaded per year. The Mobile App Development sector is thriving with gaming apps; Social Media apps like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube; Google Apps, business apps like Amazon, Walmart, etc. Even SMEs are not far behind as they are also using the mobile apps for better user engagement, branding, retail marketing, etc.

    Let us now see some of the significant challenges and trends in the mobile application development.

    Key Challenges in the Mobile App Development

    • The prevailing competition amongst the Smartphone providers has made them improve their apps continuously. The software companies need to develop such softwares to support mobile apps that need much time and efforts on part of the professionals.
    • There is no availability of the unified apps and the software developers design only fragmented apps.
    • The different Smartphones do not possess the same OS so many apps that are in great demand needs to be removed.
    • The time-consuming process starts when the developers have to test their apps against distinct OS versions so that their app works on different mobile devices.
    • Automated testing is limited for the native apps.

    Latest Trends in the Mobile App Development

    With the increased challenges, the designers and developers are carrying out research to provide a seamless user experience to the mobile device users. For this, there are many significant trends introduced by the mobile industry that will predict the future of the Android App Development and iPhone app development.

    1. The Growth of IoT (Internet of Things): The use of Artificial Intelligence is going to grow in the year 2018. The machine learning, image recognition, natural language processing, deep learning, and neural network drive decision-making, etc. is going to trend this year. The mobile apps will be integrated with the IoT feature to provide a flawless experience to hotels, retail business houses, automakers, etc. The customized IoT applications will make their place with this market reaching $267 billion by the year 2020.

    2. Cloud-based Mobile Apps will make a Difference: The Cloud Computing has created waves in the companies, and now it collaborates with the mobile apps. This technology will enable the mobile apps to fetch the data directly from the cloud space and lessens the memory space on the mobile phones. The Mobile Cloud traffic is stated to be growing at a rate of 60%.

    3. Security in App Development: Nowadays, developers focus more on security during the Android app development and iPhone App Development. According to a study, 75% of the mobile apps cannot pass the basic security testing. The testers have found basic concerns during the secuity tests.

    • Leakage of System Information
    • Insecure Storage data
    • Violation of the Privacy Policy
    • Insecure Deployment
    • Misusing the mobile related data

    To cater to these issues, JavaScript framework can help in the development of the scalable and secured mobile applications.

    4. Increase in the M-Commerce: The online selling has taken a forefront with maximum people possessing the Smartphones and the iPhones. Many users are opting to M-Commerce, which means that the app development companies need to design workable apps for the business houses. The increased usage of the Google Wallet and Apple Pay will facilitate the in-app payment process too. The wearable devices will also support the customer loyalty and the mobile payments.

    5. The Inclusion of the Location-Based Apps: With Google My Business listing and Google Maps helping users to find the best local store near their location, the customers prefer location-based apps. By using the location-based mobile apps, the customers will be able to trace out the store, a good restaurant, grocery store, etc. with just one click. They can see the reviews, and even few stores have cited the closing and opening timings too with business’s images.


    The future of mobile app development is excellent. Modern tools are available for app developers and designers to provide great app experience. By working on the challenges posed in this sector, the companies can design magnificent business apps.

    Content Details:= 

    Company: Elsner Technologies Pty. Ltd.
    Address: Level 13/50 Carrington Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia
    Phon. No: 02 6100 4040
    Email: hi@elsner.com.au
    Website: https://www.elsner.com.au

    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1031689.html

  5. Weird YouTube problem

    Date: 04/09/13     Keywords: google

    Okay, this is really weird and I can't find any info about it on Google (and I don't know what terms I should search anyway). For the past two days whenever I try to watch a video on YouTube in fullscreen, it just puts the video in the upper-left corner of the screen and makes the rest of the screen black, like this:


    It's really weird because fullscreen videos worked perfectly fine until yesterday morning.

    Googling "youtube won't play fullscreen videos" just gets me advice for what to do if the screen is completely black (or white) which isn't the problem I have. (I did try that advice anyway--which was basically to uncheck the hardware acceleration box in Settings after right-clicking the video--and it didn't help) Also tried doing a CClean and that didn't help either. I can't think of what else I should try for this.

    Using Google Chrome on Windows Vista, HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop.

    Source: http://computer-help.livejournal.com/1031255.html

  6. Weird YouTube problem

    Date: 04/09/13     Keywords: google

    Okay, this is really weird and I can't find any info about it on Google (and I don't know what terms I should search anyway). For the past two days whenever I try to watch a video on YouTube in fullscreen, it just puts the video in the upper-left corner of the screen and makes the rest of the screen black, like this:


    It's really weird because fullscreen videos worked perfectly fine until yesterday morning.

    Googling "youtube won't play fullscreen videos" just gets me advice for what to do if the screen is completely black (or white) which isn't the problem I have. (I did try that advice anyway--which was basically to uncheck the hardware acceleration box in Settings after right-clicking the video--and it didn't help) Also tried doing a CClean and that didn't help either. I can't think of what else I should try for this.

    Using Google Chrome on Windows Vista, HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop.

    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1031255.html

  7. Hi I'm new

    Date: 03/07/13     Keywords: no keywords

    I need to know what to do when logging on Internet Explorer when computer keeps freezing up and not responding?

    Source: http://computer-help.livejournal.com/1030696.html

  8. Hi I'm new

    Date: 03/07/13     Keywords: no keywords

    I need to know what to do when logging on Internet Explorer when computer keeps freezing up and not responding?

    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1030696.html

  9. vista not starting. bsod at startup, probably my fault

    Date: 01/27/13     Keywords: no keywords

    ugh, I hate having to post here again so soon but I'm having another problem. I had scheduled a CHKDSK last night for the next time my computer was booted up. Turned it on about two hours ago and the startup screens came on fine but CHKDSK didn't start, instead it was just a black screen (monitor off completely, seemingly--similar to the problem I had last time). I waited about 8-10 minutes for CHKDSK to start but it never did and nothing else happened either. After about 15-20 minutes I did a hard shutdown, which was probably a Huge Mistake, because Vista bluescreened at startup (can't remember error message, sorry) and the computer restarted. Got the "Windows did not start correctly" error screen. Did startup repair, upon finishing laptop restarted and I got the Windows startup error again. Did ANOTHER startup repair. This time when it restarted after finishing, bootup screens displayed fine but now I've got a black monitor again (been about 30 mins), and the Caps Lock light doesn't turn on when I press that button. I'm scared to turn the laptop off again since I'm pretty sure that's what got me into this trouble in the first place (either that, or scheduling the CHKDSK run). Also I can't seem to boot into Safe Mode, F8 doesn't do anything when I tap it during startup. I don't have any recovery disks or anything either. Using Vista sp...2, I believe, 32 bit. Laptop is HP Pavilion DV6000.

    Posted via m.livejournal.com.

    EDIT: After trying about half a dozen+ "fixes" which didn't work, I finally had to reformat/recover Vista. Luckily I've only had this laptop for about a month so I didn't have much stuff on there, and I was successfully able to back up everything on my external HDD. Reformat/recover worked, I haven't had any issues with this computer since then (did it on the 27th I think).

    Source: http://computer-help.livejournal.com/1030499.html

  10. vista not starting. bsod at startup, probably my fault

    Date: 01/27/13     Keywords: no keywords

    ugh, I hate having to post here again so soon but I'm having another problem. I had scheduled a CHKDSK last night for the next time my computer was booted up. Turned it on about two hours ago and the startup screens came on fine but CHKDSK didn't start, instead it was just a black screen (monitor off completely, seemingly--similar to the problem I had last time). I waited about 8-10 minutes for CHKDSK to start but it never did and nothing else happened either. After about 15-20 minutes I did a hard shutdown, which was probably a Huge Mistake, because Vista bluescreened at startup (can't remember error message, sorry) and the computer restarted. Got the "Windows did not start correctly" error screen. Did startup repair, upon finishing laptop restarted and I got the Windows startup error again. Did ANOTHER startup repair. This time when it restarted after finishing, bootup screens displayed fine but now I've got a black monitor again (been about 30 mins), and the Caps Lock light doesn't turn on when I press that button. I'm scared to turn the laptop off again since I'm pretty sure that's what got me into this trouble in the first place (either that, or scheduling the CHKDSK run). Also I can't seem to boot into Safe Mode, F8 doesn't do anything when I tap it during startup. I don't have any recovery disks or anything either. Using Vista sp...2, I believe, 32 bit. Laptop is HP Pavilion DV6000.

    Posted via m.livejournal.com.

    EDIT: After trying about half a dozen+ "fixes" which didn't work, I finally had to reformat/recover Vista. Luckily I've only had this laptop for about a month so I didn't have much stuff on there, and I was successfully able to back up everything on my external HDD. Reformat/recover worked, I haven't had any issues with this computer since then (did it on the 27th I think).

    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1030499.html

  11. HP DV6000 monitor issue

    Date: 01/06/13     Keywords: no keywords

    (posting from Wii internet) I got a used HP DV6000 for Christmas and yesterday I was playing a FB game on it when it suddenly froze/crashed and I had to do a forced shutdown. When I turned it back on, it seemed to boot up normally (the monitor was on at this time) but right after it booted up, the monitor turned off completely and would not turn back on. After five minutes of waiting I turned it off, tried again, still nothing. On my third try, I hit F10 and was able to get into Setup mode, but I couldn't find anything there that seemed relevant. So I went online on the Wii to search for a solution. A few people said to cycle through the monitor button (which I THINK is F4) on the keyboard a few times. So I did that and--it worked (although this might have been due to going into Setup)! No issues with the monitor, at least last night. Tonight when I booted up--same problem, seems fine until after bootup screen then nothing. And the F4 trick is no longer working, nor is another one I found, which was to unplug, take out battery, hold down power button, then put everything back & turn on. I can, however, still access Setup so right now I'm doing a hard disk diagnostics test to see if anything's wrong there. Using Vista Home Premium.

    Posted via m.livejournal.com.

    edit: FINALLY got it to boot up by forcing it to go into whatever that screen is called where it says Windows didn't boot up correctly (by turning it off as it was booting up--which I know is probably A Bad Thing but seriously I was desperate by this point), then doing a startup repair. Monitor is on now, obviously, but I don't know if this is a permanent fix or not.

    Source: http://computer-help.livejournal.com/1029969.html

  12. HP DV6000 monitor issue

    Date: 01/06/13     Keywords: no keywords

    (posting from Wii internet) I got a used HP DV6000 for Christmas and yesterday I was playing a FB game on it when it suddenly froze/crashed and I had to do a forced shutdown. When I turned it back on, it seemed to boot up normally (the monitor was on at this time) but right after it booted up, the monitor turned off completely and would not turn back on. After five minutes of waiting I turned it off, tried again, still nothing. On my third try, I hit F10 and was able to get into Setup mode, but I couldn't find anything there that seemed relevant. So I went online on the Wii to search for a solution. A few people said to cycle through the monitor button (which I THINK is F4) on the keyboard a few times. So I did that and--it worked (although this might have been due to going into Setup)! No issues with the monitor, at least last night. Tonight when I booted up--same problem, seems fine until after bootup screen then nothing. And the F4 trick is no longer working, nor is another one I found, which was to unplug, take out battery, hold down power button, then put everything back & turn on. I can, however, still access Setup so right now I'm doing a hard disk diagnostics test to see if anything's wrong there. Using Vista Home Premium.

    Posted via m.livejournal.com.

    edit: FINALLY got it to boot up by forcing it to go into whatever that screen is called where it says Windows didn't boot up correctly (by turning it off as it was booting up--which I know is probably A Bad Thing but seriously I was desperate by this point), then doing a startup repair. Monitor is on now, obviously, but I don't know if this is a permanent fix or not.

    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1029969.html

  13. Livejournal.com not working via Wifi?

    Date: 06/23/12     Keywords: no keywords


    I'm experiences problems loading livejournal.com (any other page is working!) via my wireless modem - I'm connected via my phone's 3G hotspot now, which is working just fine.

    I've spent the last half hour on the phone with tech support, but they can't figure it out either - my roommate can't access it on his computer, I can't access it on my phone when connected to the wireless. I've tried rebooting everything, nothing helped.

    Strangely enough I can access https://www.livejournal.com/login.bml

    I'm on a Mac, OSX 10.6.8, using Chrome (have tried Safari, Firefox and an ancient version of IE for Mac, and Safari and Cabmobile on my phone).

    Does anyone have a clue? The prospect of never being able to use LJ normally again makes me very sadface :/

    Thanks in advance!

    ETA: Accessing it via anonymouse.org works as well. IP problem?

    Source: http://computer-help.livejournal.com/1029114.html

  14. Livejournal.com not working via Wifi?

    Date: 06/23/12     Keywords: no keywords


    I'm experiences problems loading livejournal.com (any other page is working!) via my wireless modem - I'm connected via my phone's 3G hotspot now, which is working just fine.

    I've spent the last half hour on the phone with tech support, but they can't figure it out either - my roommate can't access it on his computer, I can't access it on my phone when connected to the wireless. I've tried rebooting everything, nothing helped.

    Strangely enough I can access https://www.livejournal.com/login.bml

    I'm on a Mac, OSX 10.6.8, using Chrome (have tried Safari, Firefox and an ancient version of IE for Mac, and Safari and Cabmobile on my phone).

    Does anyone have a clue? The prospect of never being able to use LJ normally again makes me very sadface :/

    Thanks in advance!

    ETA: Accessing it via anonymouse.org works as well. IP problem?

    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1029114.html

  15. cross posted to computerhelp

    Date: 05/27/12     Keywords: no keywords

    i have no idea what my mom does to her computer, and she expects me to fix her computer, when i don't have the knowledge to do these sort of things! she's using windows xp, and whenever she tries to use her computer, it asks to sign into her online connection. we have an wireless internet connection and i've tried all of them to no avail. this is what it's showing me:

    any suggestions?

    edit: i ended up reinstalling windows again and that fixed it, now i'm stuck with a horrible resoulation and the lowest color bit (4), despite downloading the drivers. next step? finding my mom a new computer! this one is ancient.

    Source: http://computer-help.livejournal.com/1028375.html

  16. cross posted to computerhelp

    Date: 05/27/12     Keywords: no keywords

    i have no idea what my mom does to her computer, and she expects me to fix her computer, when i don't have the knowledge to do these sort of things! she's using windows xp, and whenever she tries to use her computer, it asks to sign into her online connection. we have an wireless internet connection and i've tried all of them to no avail. this is what it's showing me:

    any suggestions?

    edit: i ended up reinstalling windows again and that fixed it, now i'm stuck with a horrible resoulation and the lowest color bit (4), despite downloading the drivers. next step? finding my mom a new computer! this one is ancient.

    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1028375.html

  17. Laptop not charging

    Date: 05/04/12     Keywords: no keywords

    So, all of a sudden my laptop (Dell Latitude D800)'s AC adapter decided that it didn't feel like powering the computer anymore, and it's running on battery power right now. The little green light on the adapter is on, but it's not delivering power to the laptop and the battery isn't charging. It's at 75% right now and I've got just over two hours left (although I can check email on my Wii if I don't get an answer within that time), so is there an easy way to tell if it's the adapter, or the connector pins, or the laptop itself? Everything's plugged in to where it should be, and I even unplugged everything and plugged it back in and jiggled the plug that goes into the back of the laptop but nothing happened.
    EDIT from Wii: Okay, I ran a diagnostics test and I got error code 3600:0122 for the charger, and it said it wasn't connected even though it definitely was. Does this mean it's the connector pins?

    Source: http://computer-help.livejournal.com/1028066.html

  18. Laptop not charging

    Date: 05/04/12     Keywords: no keywords

    So, all of a sudden my laptop (Dell Latitude D800)'s AC adapter decided that it didn't feel like powering the computer anymore, and it's running on battery power right now. The little green light on the adapter is on, but it's not delivering power to the laptop and the battery isn't charging. It's at 75% right now and I've got just over two hours left (although I can check email on my Wii if I don't get an answer within that time), so is there an easy way to tell if it's the adapter, or the connector pins, or the laptop itself? Everything's plugged in to where it should be, and I even unplugged everything and plugged it back in and jiggled the plug that goes into the back of the laptop but nothing happened.
    EDIT from Wii: Okay, I ran a diagnostics test and I got error code 3600:0122 for the charger, and it said it wasn't connected even though it definitely was. Does this mean it's the connector pins?

    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1028066.html

  19. graphics are off slightly everywhere

    Date: 04/05/12     Keywords: security

    My computer information:

    Intel Core i5 CPU 750 2.67ghz x4
    8 gigs ram
    Windows 7 64 bit
    ATI Radeon HD 4600 series(graphics card)

    So I'm not sure what exactly is going on. I tried playing Civ 5 today and the graphics were a bit off. SWTOR's graphics were also off. Plus my desktop display is slightly bigger than it should be. Text seems a bit off in various things as well. And videos viewed on netflix are less clear. This happened today. I haven't downloaded any files or changed any settings. Not 100% sure if anything updated, but maybe adobe flash player? But would that affect everything else? I mention this because under control panel - system and security adobe flash player is labeled 32bit, not 64bit which my computer is running. Under control panel - system and security - system, the information says its running a 64 bit operating system. Shrug.

    So far I've tried adjusting the resolution, restarting my computer, reinstalling the graphics card drivers, and uninstalling the graphics card drivers and reinstalling them. This obviously has not worked. The drivers are the latest available.

    Is there a way for the computer to auto-detect the best settings for your computer(in case mine somehow got off?) Maybe a program I can download to do this or something that already comes with the operating system? Any other suggestions or ideas?

    Source: http://computer-help.livejournal.com/1027331.html

  20. graphics are off slightly everywhere

    Date: 04/05/12     Keywords: security

    My computer information:

    Intel Core i5 CPU 750 2.67ghz x4
    8 gigs ram
    Windows 7 64 bit
    ATI Radeon HD 4600 series(graphics card)

    So I'm not sure what exactly is going on. I tried playing Civ 5 today and the graphics were a bit off. SWTOR's graphics were also off. Plus my desktop display is slightly bigger than it should be. Text seems a bit off in various things as well. And videos viewed on netflix are less clear. This happened today. I haven't downloaded any files or changed any settings. Not 100% sure if anything updated, but maybe adobe flash player? But would that affect everything else? I mention this because under control panel - system and security adobe flash player is labeled 32bit, not 64bit which my computer is running. Under control panel - system and security - system, the information says its running a 64 bit operating system. Shrug.

    So far I've tried adjusting the resolution, restarting my computer, reinstalling the graphics card drivers, and uninstalling the graphics card drivers and reinstalling them. This obviously has not worked. The drivers are the latest available.

    Is there a way for the computer to auto-detect the best settings for your computer(in case mine somehow got off?) Maybe a program I can download to do this or something that already comes with the operating system? Any other suggestions or ideas?

    Source: https://computer-help.livejournal.com/1027331.html

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