More computer trouble

    Date: 04/25/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus, web, spyware

    So awhile back my computer was running super slowly, so I got a virus/antispyware program, ran it, and wiped out all the spyware and crap. Then, after that, my internet stopped working, so I tried several things which didn't work. I assumed that when the spyware was deleted, it also deleted an important file that the spyware was attached to, so I reinstalled windows. However, it's still not working, but it's acting differently than before I reinstalled windows. Before that, it was acting as if there was no connection at all. Now, it's saying that there's a connection detected, and it starts counting the time it's "connected." However, when I try going to a website, it doesn't work.

    One more thing. When I plug in the wire to connect to the internet, the green and yellow light are on. And I have DSL.

    Does anyone have suggestions?


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