Webloc/url conversion

    Date: 05/15/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, google

    Okay, I tried Google, and other lj communities, now I'm hoping you can help me. 
    I was living a roommate who had a Mac. (OS X G5?). I had many, many files stored on it. The roomie moved out, and eventually put all those files onto a DVD disk. Now I have a PC. I was able to successfully transfer most of the data (images, iTunes, text, etc,) onto my computer.
    All the internet links I had saved on the Mac are weblocs, and I can't open them on my pc. I tried to find ways to convert them, but all the info I found was for people who had Macs, and wanted to work offline, and much of the "help" was in technospeak, and I was lost. :/
    Is there a way to exract the url's from the weblocs, without using a Mac? (I no longer have access to one!) Thank-you in advance!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/923602.html

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