Saving problem.

    Date: 05/28/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    (x-posted several places)

    Okay, guys, this one has me stumped completely. Lately-- starting Wednesday, I guess. That's when I noticed it-- I've had trouble saving media files: videos, mp3, and zip files (pics are fine, though). The file will go through the whole download process, with the little progress window, but then when I go to locate the file, it's like none of it ever happened. Nothing comes up. Or, when I save it on something like my Desktop or in My Documents, the little icon will show up at 99%, then disappear completely. WTF?

    I thought they might be going to a hidden folder, but all of my searches have turned up with nothing. So it's like I said, it's as if I never saved it. I've also had trouble receiving files on MSN. I had to ask a friend to send me the same damn picture three times before it went through.

    any ideas??? this is driving me abolutely insane. I'm on Win XP, btw. I've already tried a system restore, but that did nothing.

    Edit: Oh yeah, and I can't even download programs. I tried to d/l Adobe Audition, and everything went through, until I clicked "Run" when it came to the whole "Are you sure you want to download this file?" thing... then nothing happened. It just would not enter setup. Ugh.


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