
    Date: 06/26/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    This is the most annoying problem.. EVAR I am so desperate to fix this problem, I'm going to describe every last detail of this problem.. and evvery detail I can provide about my computer. We are working with:

    Windows XP on a..
    2.53Ghz Pentium 4 Processor
    260GB hard drive space
    128MB ATI Radeon 9800 Pro Video Card
    Sound Blaster Audigy 2
    If you need anymore specs, let me know...

    Heres the problem. I used to be able to make music videos, and any kind of videos in Windows Movie Maker, perfectly fine. I mean, WMM would freeze every once in a while, but I heard that that was common.

    NOW... for the past few months... I can not do ANYTHING in ANY video editor. I've tried Premiere, Ulead Video Studio, Movie Maker, and countless others. They all do the SAME thing... I just get a Windows error message, and it closes.

    In Movie Maker, it is whenever I try to play the movie I have already created... in the others, it is pretty much any random time.

    I have tried downloading all the codecs I've been recommended.. I've downloaded updates.. I've reinstalled the programs.. I went to Control Panel, Sound and Audio Devices, Hardware, Codecs and erased them and reinstalled them.

    NOTHING works. I have no viruses, no spyware or anything like that that is doing this.

    Please.... does anyone have ANY idea what could be doing this??? Just ask if you need anymore info... I really want to find out what is wrong... I have tried searching EVERYWHERE... and I've tried a hundred things to no avail.


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