oops pwned.

    Date: 07/01/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I woke up this morning to one of my computer's ie open to this:

    nothing seems broken or erased so i'm not mad but i'm not sure what steps to take now. any suggestions?

    as far as i can tell right now, they only changed my desktop image to theirs. (which i'm keeping)

    i use the computer for streaming only, its an older win2000 machine. insecure programs that i know i'm running are winamp 2.95 (i have to, the plugins i need dont work with the new version) and vnc version 4. i'm also running shoutcast and peercast.

    other info:
    avg found BackDoor.Generic.XPG. it cant seem to remove it.
    radmin was in the task bar but not connected to anything. at the moment i havent figured out how to turn it off.
    snadboy revelation v2 was installed. i uninstalled it but i imagine the damage is already done.
    this computer is on my home network that i share with my neighbor. are all the computers potentially compromised? what do i need to do to check?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/944276.html

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