Smartphone 2003/WM 5 programming

    Date: 07/11/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: programming

    I recently got a Cingular 2125 that has WM 5 Smartphone Edition on it. I want to learn how to do some programming for it. Thing is though that there's alot of literature online about SP 2003 programming, but not alot on WM 5. I did do some reading on SP 2003, but is all that basically useless given the new WM5? Or are the programming styles similar, akin more to .Net 1.0 - 1.1 vs 1.1 - 2.0?

    Basically can I take 2003 knowledge and apply it to developing programs for WM5? Or are the two of them completely separate beasts? Thanks.


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