Sound trouble

    Date: 07/21/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Alright well I'm having a sound problem with one of my computers. It's running Windows XP. The sound suddenly gave out about a month and a half ago and is still not fixed.

    I've made sure nothing was muted, I've tried putting headphones into the speaker jack, I've ran through the troubleshooter, I've went into the Services under the Control Panel to make sure it is set to automatic, and with all of this it's still not working. I even system restored back two months to when it did work [which I don't even know if it would have fixed it anyways, but that's besides the point].

    So that's where you guys come in! Any idea of what happened? Did the sound card die? I even uninstalled all the audio drivers and restarted my computer and had them auto-detect them back.

    If you could help, that would be the greatest! ♥


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