Help me choose a new laptop!

    Date: 07/29/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords


    I'm in the market for a new laptop since the one I currently have is a piece of shit that keeps crashing on me. It's a Compaq Presario 2100 that my Mom got me as a present 3 years ago, and in the past year the hard drive has died and it's randomly crashed 3 times because of weird Windows errors (so I guess I don't know if it's the computer, Windows, or both sucking).

    Whenever you ask people what kind of computer is best, you get a different answer. Some people like Dell, but I've heard some bad things about them. Others like Toshiba, but I've also heard some bad things about those as well. I know a lot of people like Macs, but I'm not really looking to get a Mac, however, because I can't afford one and because I haven't really liked or been able to acclimate myself to OS X. I don't think I want a Compaq again after this one has had so many problems.

    I really only need a basic computer. I don't need a large hard drive (mine is 40GB and it's never been full), I would like a minimum of 512mb RAM (I don't play games too much, and the games I play are a few years old, anyway). I know all laptops out now probably have wireless included, but I want to make sure the wireless card included in the computer is going to actually work well, and I don't know the difference between them.

    I am willing to spend around $500, and less if possible.

    I really WANT to get a laptop, but I might be persueded into a desktop if you think I could get something better for the price, even though it's less convenient.



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