DSL and wireless router problems

    Date: 07/31/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I moved into my new place about a month ago, and tried getting online here for the first time a few days ago. We have Verizon DSL with a Linksys G Wireless router. My roommate gets on fine on her computer, but for some reason, my computer picks up every network in the area except for ours, even when I'm in the same room. (It's thanks to my neighbor's networks that I can even get on, with a smashing 1 bar of reception and 1mbps) It works perfectly if I hook it up via ethernet, but the modem's in my roommate's room and therefore inconvenient for both of us. I've messed with the wireless settings, power cycled both modem and router, tried all the little tricks that normally gets the internet working again. I'm used to cable instead of DSL modems, so I don't quite know what to do now.

    I have an HP Pavilion ze4900 laptop, XP, 802.11 b/g wireless card. (I can fill in any stats if needed.)

    Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/959468.html

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