Intel or AMD?

    Date: 08/04/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: technology

    (crossposted everywhere. sorry in advance.)

    I'm going to overhaul my desktop computer.

    Current specs:
    Athlon XP 2600+
    2x 512MB DDR 333 SDRAM
    GeForce4 MX 4000
    80GB 7200RPM ATA
    250GB 7200RPM ATA

    As you can see, I'm running on old technology. Socket A, DDR, IDE ATA, AGP... all of these have gone out the door. But I'm thinking that I want my hard drives, memory, and optical drive to stick around, if possible.

    So since I'd like to keep the hard drives, memory, and optical drive, and since I already own a new GeForce 7800 GT, I think all I'm left to decide is what processor (and, as a result, motherboard) I'd like.

    Socket AM2 is not an option, because it uses DDR2 RAM. I'd like to keep my 1GB sticks as they seem to suit me just fine. So if I go with AMD, I'm getting a Socket 939. I hope that's a wise choice - if someone wants to persuade me otherwise, do tell me why you think I should get an AM2 motherboard and processor, and upgrade my RAM.

    And the Intel Core 2 Duos look especially delicious, but I'm not really sure how they compare to similarly-priced Athlon 64's, or 64 X2's. I'm aiming to spend about $200 on a processor, maybe a little more if necessary.

    All right, that's it! Gimme some advice!


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