PC Tech opening in Houston, TX

    Date: 08/15/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Are you a high school or college student that needs EXPERIENCE to go along with their education? Are you a computer technician or familiar enough to sell the latest computer hardware? You may be a good fit for our retail store, currently located in Northwest Houston and soon moving to Spring, TX in a really nice retail frontage. Professional appearance and attitude a must. This is a nice, small business environment so it's a fun place to work, as well a great place to hone/utilize your pc troubleshooting and/or tech skills.

    Shoot us an e-mail to resumes at cpehouston dot com with your resume and give us a brief description of how and why you fit our company. We may be hiring for multiple positions including, but not limited to:

    PC Bench Technician (part or full-time)
    Onsite Service Technician (part or full-time)
    Retail Salesperson (part time)

    While these are entry level positions, qualified candidates are eligible for pay increases/bonuses upon regular reviews.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/965420.html

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