Ergonomic Keyboard

    Date: 08/18/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I don't quite like the idea of spending three years to teach my PC how I talk for the Dragon Naturally Speaking program, so...

    What is the most ergonomic keyboard you've ever used that totally warded off carpal tunnel, tendonitis,and all that other bad stuff?

    I tried some special $250 flat ergonomickeyboard+mouse in one. By moving your hand over the keyboard, that would move the cursor on the screen. And certain movements with the hands allowed all the same things a mouse could do. But typing was a big problem. Since the whole keyboard was literally flat, I could not get used to it even after half a year of using it.

    So another criteria is that re-learning to type isn't too difficult.
    And on the same note, what's the most ridiculously ergonomic mouse and mousepad ever? I've heard of styluses, but are they very difficult to use? Do they work well for computer games too?


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