A question..

    Date: 08/21/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: java, virus, web, spyware, google

    Hi fellow geeks,

    At every webpage I've visited recently, this line of code has been close to the top, if not at the top:

    < script language='javascript' src=''> < /script > (but without the spaces, and sometimes the R number changes)

    I've done spyware scans with ad-aware, spybot, and ZoneAlarm Pro's Antispyware, and a virus scan with AVG Free, but they haven't found anything.

    Is this proof that all the webmasters on the internet are out to get me? Or have I got some sort of virus/spyware/other that's doing this?

    Windows XP SP2, with Firefox v1.5.06 and a handful of extensions (Google text, stumbleupon, a cookie editor, a 'l337 sp33k' converter, a page validation thingy, and adblock)

    EDIT: If I view the source of the filey thing, it says this:
    'var blockedReferrer = 'blockedReferrer';
    document.ignore = new Object();'
    < / edit >

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    - Sarah

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/968819.html

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