PHP help?

    Date: 08/26/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, database

    I need some php help. Given this code:

    $dateThen = SomeDatabaseCallThatReturnsADate();
    $dateNow = /* code to set the date right now */

    return (/* code to compare */);

    Where code to compare is code that returns TRUE if it is now the day after $dateThen or later.

    That is, regardless of the time, if $dateThen is August 29th, I will return true only if it is August 30th or later. If $dateThen is August 31st, I will return true only if it is September 1st or later.

    Make sense?

    PS: This isn't a homework assignment - I'm doing a quick mod to a Joomla component :-)


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