Govt: We're watching your dumb ass

    Date: 08/31/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Warning labels may soon appear on wireless Internet hardware if the California legislature has its way. Both houses passed a law known as the "Wi-Fi User Protection Bill," which would require makers of Wi-Fi cards and routers to warn users of the dangers of unsecured wireless networks.

    Its backers applauded the law as a way to both end unauthorized sharing of wireless networks, and to secure computer users from outside threats. However, its detractors say such a law is unnecessary, with one analyst arguing that the problem is largely caused by "consumer idiocy."

    Yes, that's what I think too. Consumer idiocy.

    This is not the Surgeon General's warning on a pack of cigarettes. A silly little label is not going to "end unauthorized sharing of wireless networks (by people who can't be arsed to turn their encryption on)" If consumers want "protection", they'll protect themselves with or without a label.


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