Swapping SD Card for Memory Stick?

    Date: 09/04/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web

    My cousin mistakenly got me a 1 gig Sandisk SD card, and not the Memory Stick Duo I need for my new camera (Sony T9). She sent it from Colorado, with no packaging or receipt, so returning or exchanging it is not an option. And I'm leaving for Europe shortly, so time is running out.

    So, any ideas of where/how I can exchange this for the card I need?

    EDIT: I guess I shouldn't have used the word "exchange"....any ideas of where/how I can swap this card for the card I need? Perhaps a barter-type website, community or some such non-retail store environment?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/973827.html

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