
    Date: 09/18/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html

    I am still having severe Internet Connection problems.

    I wrote a post last week ( ). Unforunatley, I don't have the money needed to replace any hardware on my computer at this moment... And I'm still not sure that is the problem.

    I use a USB wire to connect my modem to the computer. The ethernet plugs always gave me problems. I am running Windows XP Service Pack 2, on a Dell Dimension only 2 years old, 1GB DDR RAM, 2.53Ghz Pentium 4 Processor, 260GB of hard drive space. So you can see, my computer is still pretty decent.. and it's not a lack of memory or anything.

    So today I was disconnected 5 times. I was not downloading anything. I wasn't even DOING anything for a few of those times. I just got disconnected now for over an hour. I tried everything.

    Turning the computer off.. unplugging the modem.. Renewing my IP.. Repairing the connection.. I even tried to see if my connection would work on another computer, so I hooked up a spare one to it and nope. After shutting down my computer a 4th time, it finally decided to work when I turned it back on.

    Now I am starting to think it is my modem. Which really pisses me off considering I bought it no more than 6 months ago for $99.99. <-- That's a lot of money for me.

    I'm using a Motorola SURFBoard SB5120 modem. I have the main cable wire going into a splitter the cable company (Optimum Online is the service I use right now) gave to me. One wire goes to the TV, and one to the modem.

    When going to my Network Connections, I am confused. There are three listed there:

    Local Area Connection 3
    Limited or no connectivity, Firewalled
    Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection..

    1394 Connection
    Connected, Firewalled
    1394 Net Adapter

    Local Area Connection 5
    Connected, Firewalled
    Motorola SURFboard SB5120 USB Cable..

    I don't know what to do anymore... When I told this to the cable company, they told me to use an ethernet cable which has absolutely no effect.

    Also. When I DID plug the ethernet wire into my computer, an orange light would go on, then go off. This happened repeatedly while I watched the lights on my modem all go off and then slowly blink back on again one by one.

    I'm afraid I'm going to get disconnected forever again :( What would you do?


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