Router Problem

    Date: 09/20/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello fellow computergeeks. :) I have a problem that has been happening for the past I want to say week or so, and I need your help!

    I don't know how to decribe it for you to fully understand, but my router is messed up. I have taken pictures for you to see

    This is what I basically wake up to every morning. Every morning I have to reconfigure my router so the computers are able to access the internet. I have no idea why this is happening at all. I've even tried resetting the router but after I am done filling in the information on it, it ends up like this the next day.

    Once I reconfigure my router I have no problems during the rest of the day, until I try to get back online the next morning [I check my messages before school], in which I have to redo my whole router again.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm running Verizon DSL on a Linksys BESFR41V2 router and switch. 5 computers.


    And I also want to add this, because I am not sure why it does this exactly. But whenever I would change a preference on my router, and this has been since we got it about two months ago, I would get the "a network cable has been unplugged". I would have to disconnect from Trillian and reconnect again to be able to get messages. Does anyone know why it does this? Thanks again!


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