Logitech webcam problem.

    Date: 10/03/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html, virus, antivirus, web

    My roommate is having a connection problem with her Logitech webcam, and I have no idea how to fix it. She is not running a firewall program, all appropriate ports are open, and her internet is properly configured. She has gotten it to work before, but it has mysteriously lost the ability to connect when she came to the University. Does anyone in this community have any ideas about what might be wrong?

    Here she explains the problem in her own words:

    I bought a Logitech Quickcam Messenger from Target expecting it to properly work with my mac iBook. I immediately found out the camera wasn't compatible with my laptop. After quite a few hours of research I finally found a way to get it to work. I had to go into my router's html page, into advanced, and into forwarding to change the in and out ports to properly accept the cameras image. I also downloaded a program called Macam, which was recommended to me. Now I'm not sure what necessarily got the camera to work but it was fine all summer. Now I've come to college and have an ethernet connection. Of course I can't change the forwarding settings but I was told from the tech help that all the ports necessary are open, so that's not it. It's really wierd to because I can recieve someone else's video image, and I can see my own with the camer, so it's properly connected, but when I send it to someone else, it says it's waiting to be sent and then it cancels. It simply can't get through. When I got here I also had to download Symantec Antivirus, so I'm thinking that might have something to do with it. But that seems very wierd and unlikely, especially since I can recieve someone else's image. Please help me out if you have any ideas!!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/987017.html

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