My Boyfriend is Moron

    Date: 10/23/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus

    Well, I thought he knew better, but I guess not. I go on my boyfriend's computer & all sorts of weird stuff is going on. The homepage in IE won't come up right & I get warnings about things being a virus, & I find a bunch of new unknown programs on the computer... My boyfrined tells me he downloaded them... All I could do was stare at him blankly for about two seconds, before completely ripping into him. I mean he should know better, but I guess not.
    So anyway, I want to completely wipe the hardrive & start over. I found his system disks, & I was wondering if there was anything else I should do before I try to do this. Keep in mind the system restore is not going to do anything, because it only goes back so far, & I've been wanting to do this for months now. This is like the tenth time something has happened in the time I've been able to use this computer. So there's damage I can't undo from before.
    The computer is a Dell XPS Gen5, running Windows XP (not sure what edition).
    Thanks in advance.


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